As part of our SubOptic events, we always arrange for Keynote Speakers who will have something of interest to say to the widest possible audiance in our industry – SubOptic 2013 is no exception. We have arranged for three high quality Keynote Speakers to speak, one on each day of the conference.

The third Keynote Speaker, presenting onApril 25th, 2013 will be Emmanuel Desurvire. Emmanuel is the Scientific Director of Thales Reserach & Development in France and will talk about “How the EDFA came to be”

Allowing the simultaneous regeneration of high-speed signals at different wavelengths, diode-pumped erbium doped fibre amplifiers (EDFAs) have led the lightwave communications revolution. EDFAs were the key enablers of transoceanic/continental optical backbones and multiwavelength networks, which together made possible today’s global Internet.

Emmanuel will review the challenges in the conception, early exploration and development of EDFAs, and explore the future.

Register for SubOptic 2013 Now!

Registration costs 1950 Euro plus VAT, which is currently set at 19.6% in France. This rate will be available online and also onsite at the conference. 

Full details about this and the rest of our event can be obtained from the Preliminary Programme which is now available at

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