By Submarine Cable NewsFeed

Etisalat has announced complete

restoration of UAE Internet links and start of normal Internet traffic following confirmation from its international service providers FLAG Telecom and SEA-ME-WE-4

on completion of repairs to their damaged cables.

During the period of disruption, Etisalat was successful in prioritizing Internet traffic and essential

services to customers to ensure that they continued to operate with minimal or no impact. Etisalat ‘s technology expertise and focus on providing the best quality

of service to customers came to the fore during the last two weeks with comprehensive efforts in terms of redirecting traffic and significantly increasing capacity

on other links to ensure that Etisalat customers were least affected by the sudden disruption, the company said in a statement.

Etisalat's business

customers reported negligible disruption in their operations due to the cable disruption. In addition to this, the majority of EMIX (Emirates Internet exchange)

customers who were surveyed by Etisalat also confirmed that they were unaffected by the disruption.

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