SubOptic 2019 – Day 4 Wrap-Up Video

By STF Today
April 15, 2019

Thursday, April 11 was the fourth and final day of the SubOptic 2019 conference. The final sessions of the technical program kicked off the day, while the afternoon saw a Keynote address from Vinton Cerf of Google – one of the “Fathers of the Internet” – and an ICPC panel discussing the new BBNJ treaty. The conference closed out with final remarks from Stuart Barnes and Yves Ruggeri who announced the location and host of the next event.

Featuring interviews with Greg Berlocher of New Star Energy Services, Ulises Pin of Morgan Lewis, Pascal Pecci of ASN, Steve Dawe of Vodafone, Dr. Kasyapa Balemarthy of OFS and Hector Hernandez of WFN Strategies.

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