By Vodafone Press Release
September 11, 2017

New Zealand – Vodafone New Zealand has taken a major step in future-proofing its national transport network, deploying the world’s first live 400 gigabit per wavelength optical system to dramatically increase capacity over its fibre optic footprint.

Vodafone owns, operates and wholesales capacity on more than 10,000 kilometres of core fibre optic cable, dedicated to hauling enormous quantities of consumer and business data up and down the country and to the world.

The highly advanced data transport system has been deployed in partnership with Vodafone’s optical partner Ciena and test equipment experts, EXFO.

Vodafone Technology Director Tony Baird said, “The meteoric rise of online video streaming, gaming and cloud computing has meant Kiwis are chomping through data at rates we’ve never seen before.

“This investment is about ensuring our transport network is in great shape for today and ready for the future – it is an important step on the roadmap to 5G and for a stack of other exciting innovations across New Zealand’s sprawling fibre and high speed wireless networks.

“It also represents some of the most advanced technology in Vodafone New Zealand’s network, capable of carrying 44 x 400 gigabits of capacity across a single fibre pair,” Tony said.

In this world first live deployment, Vodafone can now achieve up to 17 terabits of throughput on a single pair of fibres – that’s equivalent to over 700,000 channels of 4K TV streaming at the same time or more than 100 million simultaneous phone calls.

Anthony McLachlan, Vice President and General Manager, Ciena Asia Pacific said, “Vodafone New Zealand is increasing capacity to support ever-growing consumer data consumption, mobile coverage and internet connections, as well as provide services for wholesale carriers and large enterprise customers.

“This upgrade will also prepare Vodafone New Zealand for emerging data-hungry applications, on top of the ones we already see today including 4K video, HD audio, IOT and even virtual reality.”
Vodafone’s 400 gigabit Ciena WaveLogic Ai system is now carrying live customer traffic across the Auckland metro region with plans underway for further expansions.


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