The next Plenary meeting of the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) will be held in Mauritius during the period 1-3 June 2010 inclusive.

All of the World's major telecommunications companies are represented within the ICPC whose principal purpose is to promote the safeguarding of submarine cables against man-made and natural hazards. This unique organisation also serves as a forum for the exchange of technical, environmental and legal information concerning the marine aspects of both telecommunications and power submarine cable systems. The current membership list is attached for reference and more information about the ICPC can be found at

Mauritius has been selected as the venue for this Plenary because it is located in a region where there are many new entrants to the submarine cable community. This growth has arisen from the drive for improved digital connectivity, especially to the countries of Africa and those located in and around the Indian Ocean.

In recognition of this development, the theme of this Plenary meeting will be:

Protecting the global submarine cable network: New and evolving challenges for operators, governments and stakeholders in the expanding submarine cable community

The Executive Committee (EC) therefore seeks presentations from interested parties that address the importance and challenges of protecting submarine cables. Topics could include, but are not limited to:

  • Social and economic impacts of submarine cable failures (national and/or global level)
  • Legal and regulatory challenges & solutions
  • Recognising and reducing the risk from natural hazards
  • Working with international organisations to improve cable protection
  • Recognising and reducing the risk from man-made hazards (eg: piracy, permit delays etc)
  • Emerging technologies & concepts for cable protection

Presentations should be 25 minutes long including time for questions and, to ensure clarity when presented, should be formatted in accordance with the guidance that will be provided.

Prospective presenters are respectfully advised that papers that are overtly marketing a product or service will not be accepted, however two marketing slides can be included at the beginning or end of the presentation.

NB: Commercial exhibits may be displayed adjacent to the ICPC meeting room by special arrangement. Please contact the Secretary for further details.

Abstracts should be sent via email to [email protected] no later than 28 February 2010.

The EC will evaluate all submissions based on content and quality. By ICPC.

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