By Arctic Fibre

Arctic Fibre Inc. has extended the closing of its capacity nomination process from August 31st by three weeks to accommodate a number of carriers and user groups who were unable to respond due to extended staff vacations.

“A number of carriers also requested additional time to quantify their bandwidth requirements given the price-elasticity effect of having backhaul costs reduced by more than 80% from satellite,” said Douglas Cunningham, President of Arctic Fibre Inc.

Canadian carriers and government agencies will now have until September 21, 2012 to request specific bandwidth on the dedicated local fibre pair serving the Canadian Arctic and Alaska.  This capacity nomination process will enable Arctic Fibre to establish definitive unit pricing for the Canadian portion of the network for the 2015-2017 following a scheduled in-service date of November 1, 2014.

WFN Strategies has completed the end-to-end desk stop route study which underpins an extensive marine survey to be undertaken in 2013. The subsea portion of the network between Japan and the United Kingdom is now estimated at 14,625 km with terrestrial tails bringing the end-to-end distance between Tokyo and London to 15,057 km.

Arctic Fibre will provide much-needed bandwidth to communities in the Canadian and Alaskan Arctic slope regions enabling consumers to access technologies taken for granted in urban areas. The network will also facilitate the provision of essential governmental services in tele-medicine, distance education and the administration of justice at far lower cost than present practices.


Discussions are ongoing with carriers and governmental authorities with the view to providing access to the Arctic Fibre backbone to the Alaskan communities of Prudhoe Bay, Barrow, Wainwright, Kotzebue, Nome and Shemya as well as to Thule, Greenland.

Arctic Fibre has conducted extensive research and marketing efforts with international carriers and has ascertained that there appears to be sufficient market demand to construct a subsea fibre optic network between Japan and the United Kingdom.  Upon completion of the Canadian capacity nomination process, the company will finalize negotiations with international carriers.

Arctic Fibre intends to deploy 100G technology which will reduce the round trip duration of a signal from the original 168 millisecond estimate to approximately 159 milliseconds between Tokyo and London.  This shortcut through Arctic waters provides a 29 ms advantage over other traditional transpacific/terrestrial/transatlantic routings. The estimated RTD latency for Tokyo to New York is estimated at 164 milliseconds, matching the least latent route.

The Company has requested formal construction proposals from qualified companies with the intention to complete a contract at yearend.


For further information:

Douglas Cunningham, President Tel: 1-416-613-6263 Email: [email protected]

Sarah Nelson,     Marketing Co-ordinator Tel: 1-289-635-2279 Email: [email protected]


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