By Submarine Cable NewsFeed

NSW has announced that the sea trial for their new repeatered cable MINISUB R (0.6) has been an outstanding success.

“This is a significant milestone for NSW, and represents a major step towards the repeatered cable market. The results have once again proven the excellent quality of our cables and have thus put a confirmative seal on NSW being a natural choice as a preferred turnkey supplier for both repeatered and repeaterless submarine cable systems,” explained Rudolf Stahl, Managing Director at NSW.

FT Marine carried out the operations in early February 2008, using the cable-laying vessel CS Rene Descartes.

The trial program comprised shallow-water and deep-water operations as well as laying and recovery of a repeater and a branching unit. The cable was subjected to rigorous mechanical testing during trial lay, repair and recovery operations to design water depth, accompanied by optical and electrical testing. All cable types (Lightweight, Lightweight Protected, Single-Armored and Double- Armored) have proven their excellent performance. A total of eleven joints between the various cable types were carried out onboard as part of the program.

Additional linear cable engine and cable stopper tests proved the resilience of this cable.

Throughout the operation, the cable handled extremely well, using state-of-the-art cable-laying and recovery equipment, NSW said in a statement.

The sea trial has been the last part of the preparation phase for the first order of about 4.000 km repeatered cable on which NSW is currently working busily on. The cable will be delivered within the next few months.

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