By SubOptic

SubOptic is pleased to announce that the archive containing all the papers and presentations/posters that were given at our recent SubOptic 2010 Conference are now freely available online on the archive section of our website at

This information, together with the archives from our previous two conferences, SubOptic 2004 and 2007, forms one of the largest sources of freely available on line materiel, about the undersea communications industry.  We have also introduced an enhanced “Search the Archive” facility to enable you to look up papers addressing topics of interest uniquely to you.  The work to enhance the accessibility of our archives is the first step of our second Interim Activity initiative, which SubOptic is undertaking to provide a service to our wider community of interest.

As announced at SubOptic 2010, we have launched a team effort to develop the “GUIDE” (Guide to Undersea Industry Data and Expertise) an online reference tool intended to provide its users with perspective on a spectrum of basic industry concepts and challenges.

The GUIDE’s focus will be on issues relating to planning, developing, constructing, owning and operating submarine cable networks and is meant to serve industry newcomers, niche experts, financiers, permitting authorities, and governments.  It will rely heavily on (and link to) the existing material from past conferences and complement this material with higher-level perspective, lessons learned, glossaries, etc.

If you wish to volunteer to help develop this valuable GUIDE for our industry : please contact Elaine Stafford of The David Ross Group, [email protected].  She, along with many others including Alan Mauldin, Dave Ross, Doug Burnett, Georges Krebs, Graham Evans, Guy Arnos, Jean Devos, John Horne, John Mariano, Laurie Doyle, Patrick Faidherbe, Pete Barletto, Rajesh Kheny, Robin Russell, Rosie Heatley Lunde and Colin Anderson, welcome additional team members.

The GUIDE Team will be meeting at PTC11.  Whilst some information will be released earlier, it is hoped that the first complete edition of what is intended to be a living document, will be available before SubOptic 2013.

Information about the location and dates for SubOptic 2013 which will be Hosted by Alcatel-Lucent in Europe during 2013 will be available on our website, during the 1Q2011.

About SubOptic

SubOptic is a non-profit, non-incorporated international organization, which is steered and sponsored by leading members of the telecommunications industry. Its activities are open to every level of the industry, including those who manufacture cable systems and their components to purchasers of cable networks, purchasers of system capacity, business analysts, regulators, financiers and investors.

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