By PR Newswire

HONG KONG — Pacnet today unveiled Pacnet Lightning, a class-leading network connectivity solution suite tailored for the financial services industry that guarantees the secure, reliable and low latency connections needed to meet their information access and trading needs.

“Today's capital markets are seeing growing trading volumes largely due to the proliferation of high-speed electronic trading,” said Bill Barney, Chief Executive Officer of Pacnet. “Pacnet Lightning leverages our advanced pan-Asia subsea cable infrastructure EAC-C2C, as well as our experience providing connectivity solutions to global and regional financial institutions, to deliver the lowest latency network connections that will give them the speed advantage to execute trades faster.”

Latency is a measure of the time delay experienced when data travels across two points in a network. “Having the lowest latency network is especially important to high-speed algorithmic traders, where a difference in milliseconds can mean millions made or lost,” added Mr Barney. According to research from The TABB Group, the difference in ten milliseconds in latency could result in a 10% drop in revenues for traders(1).

Targeted at the high-speed trading market, Pacnet Lightning connects these traders to market data vendors, stock exchanges or other electronic trading platforms, through dedicated Ethernet International Private Line (EIPL) circuits on the shortest cable routes of Pacnet's next-generation subsea cable network EAC-C2C.

EAC-C2C is fully owned and operated by Pacnet, and connects seven countries in Asia including Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo, countries that are host to the region's major stock exchanges. “Unlike carriers who do not have their own infrastructure, ownership of our network allows us to have full visibility and control over it, enabling us to deliver the dedicated end-to-end connectivity and service level guarantees that ensure the highest level of performance possible for Pacnet Lightning users,” said Mr Barney.

Pacnet Lightning is available in a broad range of access speeds, ranging from 1.5 Mbps to 10 Gbps, offering customers the flexibility to choose a solution that best suits their needs. The service also offers real-time end-to-end network performance monitoring and reporting, which allow customers to see the actual latency between two points.

“Through Pacnet Lightning, Pacnet is able to leverage the best city-to-city PoP and city PoP-to-stock exchange connectivity solution,” said Mr Barney.

Pacnet Lightning EIPL provides point-to-point and point-to-multipoint Ethernet virtual connectivity between paired and multiple dedicated network users interfaces. Built on our industry leading, lowest latency, high quality subsea cable network, it delivers dedicated bandwidth with a high degree of network transparency, enabling seamless, flexible connectivity and speedy transmission of real time data with the lowest latency possible.

Pacnet Lightning is currently available across Asia and North America.

About Pacnet

Named “2009 Company of the Year for Excellence in Growth” by Frost & Sullivan and “Best Wholesale Carrier” at the Telecom Asia Awards 2009, Pacnet is Asia's leading independent telecommunications service provider, formed from the operational merger of Asia Netcom and Pacific Internet. Pacnet owns and operates EAC-C2C, the region's largest privately-owned submarine cable network at 36,800 km, with a design capacity of 10.24 Tbps. The company offers a comprehensive portfolio of industry leading IP-based solutions for carriers, large enterprises and SMEs. Pacnet is headquartered in Hong Kong and Singapore, with offices in all key markets in Asia and North America. For more information, please visit: .

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