A dozen (common abbreviated doz or dz) is a grouping of twelve. The dozen may be one of the earliest primitive groupings, perhaps because there are approximately a dozen cycles of the moon or months in a cycle of the sun or year. Twelve is convenient because its multiples and divisors are convenient: 12 = 2 × 2 × 3, 3 × 4 = 12, 2 × 6 = 12, 60 = 12 × 5, 360 = 12 × 30. The use of twelve as a base number, known as the duodecimal system (also as dozenal), probably originated in Mesopotamia. (Wikipedia)
To me, a dozen can be a pretty big number.
This November issue marks our 12th anniversary of publishing Submarine Telecoms Forum Magazine. We have appreciated literally hundreds of articles from as many international authors from our industry on significant far-reaching topics. Some have merely informed; others have incited reaction; all have enhanced the discussion within our community. Through good times and terrible times, we have attempted to keep the vantage clear and concise. Hopefully, we have succeeded more times than not.
When Ted and I established our little magazine in 2001, our hope was to get enough interest to keep it going for a while. With his premature departure and the eventual addition of Kevin, Kristian and a boatload of others years later, we took the original idea and expanded it in a number of different and complimentary ways.
In this our 12th year, an average of 50K unique monthly visitors have downloaded the magazine more than 500K times, and downloaded the Almanac more than 1.8M times. Year to date, STF’s website has experienced 10.1M hits.
In 2014, we will add additional enhancements to the SubTel Forum brand including new live event video-streaming, which we believe will further enhance your utility and enjoyment. As always, such services will be provided at no cost, and we will do so with two key founding principles always in mind, which annually I reaffirm to you, our readers:
»» That we will provide a wide range of ideas and issues;
»» That we will seek to incite, entertain and provoke in a positive manner.
So here’s to you, our readers and supporters. Thank you as always for honoring us with your interest.
And on to next year when we can celebrate a baker’s dozen.