May 11-14th, 2010 Yokohama, Japan the place to be!
The Program Committee for SubOptic 2010, Chaired by Colin Anderson has now issued the Preliminary Program for this must attend event of our industry, which promises to be the best one yet. The program will be of value to all strands of our community from the service and capacity providers, the suppliers of systems and services, to the providers of finance and legal/regulatory support. It also includes a strand looking at applications in the oil/gas industry and the scientific community.
If you only expect to attend one conference this year on undersea communications, SubOptic 2010, which is organised for the industry, by the industry, is the one. No other conference offers such a wide breadth and depth of presentation, when all strands of our industry gather together in one location
In summary the following elements are planned:
- Three World Class Keynote Speakers
- Two Roundtables on Key Industry Issues
- One workshop covering the SubOptic Model Contract with Guidelines initiative
- Seven MasterClass Tutorials covering the lifecycle of a project and some more
- Seventy Five Oral Presentations over 8 broad commercial & technical topic areas
- A featured Poster Session with 80 posters
To this is added an Exhibition from a variety of suppliers and service providers, which has already sold out and a supporting social programme, to allow for that all important networking, with your industry peers, colleagues, customers & suppliers.
All these elements are covered by one registration fee and Early Bird Rates are still available until January 31st, 2010.
Go to our website to obtain a copy of our Preliminary Program and click on the SubOptic 2010 logo to Register!
About SubOptic
SubOptic 2010 is the seventh in the series of conferences, the first being held in 1986. The conference covers all aspects of the submarine cable business & markets – from commercial, sales & support functions (legal, finance, regulatory etc) to hardware design, engineering and R&D, and on to marine activities (pre-build survey etc, project implementation, and maintenance).
SubOptic is a non-profit, non-incorporated international organization, which is steered and sponsored by leading members of the telecommunications industry. Its activities are open to every level of the industry, including those who manufacture cable systems and their components to purchasers of cable networks, purchasers of system capacity, business analysts, regulators, financiers and investors.