Sunshine Coast Council plans to link the region directly to global communications systems in Asia, the Pacific and the United States.
Mayor Mark Jamieson today announced that council has lodged a submission with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to start the process to declare an offshore cable protection zone.
The zone would encourage the private sector to deliver an international undersea broadband cable.
If the cable protection zone is granted and the cable delivered, the Sunshine Coast will be the only regional centre in Australia able to offer direct international broadband connectivity to global markets.
“The granting of a cable protection zone would facilitate private investment in Australia's next off-shore broadband connection to the rest of the world – landing right here on the Sunshine Coast,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“The Sunshine Coast would then be the closest digital connection point in Australia to the leading markets of Asia and the United States.
“This off-shore cable will connect directly with global networks and link to Australia's terrestrial networks like the National Broadband Network (NBN).
“There are only five international cable connections into Australia now – four within a short stretch of coastline in Sydney and one into Perth.
“The Sunshine Coast is in the best possible location to provide a new cable landing point on the eastern seaboard, taking into account the topography of the coast line and marine environment and the existence of a significant population centre sufficiently distant from Sydney.