Anacom Calls For Urgent Replacement Of Submarine Cables To Islands
By Telecompaper
June 28, 2018
The submarine cables that connect the Portuguese mainland, the Azores and Madeira and between the autonomous regions are expected to reach the end of their useful life in 2024-25. For this reason, Portugal's National Communications Authority (Anacom) said it is urgent that the government take decisions to ensure the entry into operation of new interconnections before those dates. The regulator has alerted the government, the regional governments of the Azores and Madeira and the operators to the need to find a solution to this problem. It's imperative that the Portuguese state define a strategic orientation in this matter, involving the central government and the two regional governments, with mobilization of EU funds, the regulator said. The Columbus III cable is expected to end its useful life in 2024 and the Atlantis-2 cable in 2025.