CAMTEL Launches Cameroon-Brazil Cable Installation

Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) announced Wednesday the launch of the installation of the 6000 km long Cameroon-Brazil Submarine Cable System linking Kribi, Cameroon and Fortaleza, Brazil, a project which is the first submarine cable system to directly connect Africa and South America.By Journal du Cameroun
May 23, 2018

Cameroon Telecommunications (CAMTEL) announced Wednesday the launch of the installation of the 6000 km long Cameroon-Brazil Submarine Cable System optical fiber to link the localities of Kribi in Cameroon and Fortaleza in Brazil, a project which is the first submarine cable system to directly connect Africa and South America.

According to CAMTEL, the boat carrying 6000 km of South Atlantic Inter Link (SAIL) submarine cable that left the Norwegian coast on March 21, 2018, landed on May 16 in Kribi with a gigantic cable of 32 terabits of capacity.

The boat will resume the road in the coming days and on the basis of the stopped route, proceed to the installation of the cable with the assistance of the expertise of the Chinese firm, Huawei Mobile.

Speaking about the project, the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Minette Libom Li Likeng, said the project which is in a crucial phase and that falls within the framework of the national program Broadband Network 2, began in August 2016.

For Camtel’s Managing Director, David Nkoto Emane, the project whose installation speed is 80 to 120 km per day and estimated at F CFA 200 billion, will propel Cameroon have its digital independence. To him, it will place Cameroon among the twenty or so African countries to have submarine cables and whose national economy intends to derive significant benefits.

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