Press Release

CS Recorder will Support Telecoms Customers with Installation Projects Across the Globe

Global Marine Systems Limited, the world leader in subsea cable systems design, installation and maintenance, announced today the addition of the 6,200 ton cable deadweight CS Recorder to its existing fleet of vessels. Built in 2000, the vessel formerly known as the Maersk Recorder, has previously been chartered by Global Marine for numerous cable installation projects and has since successfully completed work in the oil and gas and renewables sectors. The newly named CS Recorder is intended to support the telecoms installation business growth over the next 5-10 years, with a number of critical projects scheduled during 2018, 2019 and 2020.

CS Recorder will be equipped with a plough system and Remotely Operated Trenching Vehicle (ROV) to ensure it is fully prepared to undertake the full range of telecoms cable installation projects.

“The addition of this latest vessel to our fleet demonstrates our continuing commitment to ensuring the appropriate assets are available to meet our customers’ needs across the globe, and to our core business of telecoms cable installation, even in a market where the current trend is for assets to be relinquished, rather than added,” said Bruce Neilson-Watts, Managing Director, Telecoms at Global Marine.

The CS Recorder joins Global Marine’s current fleet of 25 vessels, which now consists of four maintenance vessels, (Cable Retriever, Pacific Guardian, Wave Sentinel, Cable Innovator); three installation vessels, (CS Recorder, C.S. Sovereign, Networker); and 18 CWind Crew Transfer Vessels. She replaces the Cable Innovator following her reassignment in the fourth quarter of 2016 to become a dedicated maintenance vessel for the North America Maintenance Zone (NAZ) submarine cable contract; a contract running through to the end of 2024. The CS Recorder is expected to be available for use in the fleet for installation projects at the end of the first quarter 2017.

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