Google Vessel in French Polynesia to Prepare Layout of Five Undersea Cables

A Google vessel in French Polynesia surveys for five new undersea cables, enhancing regional bandwidth and strategic importance.By Patrick Decloitre, RNZ News
July 12, 2024

A Goggle vessel has arrived in French Polynesia to prepare the layout of five undersea data cables, as part of a major project that was announced a few months ago.

The first step is for the Google ship to study the ocean's bottom and plot the best possible route, while taking into account environmental factors.

The multi-million-dollar project was also unanimously endorsed by French Polynesia's Territorial Assembly this week.

French Polynesia's Moetai Brotherson said the Google vessel's first mission was to survey the ocean floor to “determine the right path to lay out those cables”, based on environmental concerns.

He said French Polynesia was chosen for the Google project because “we have quite a unique location right at the centre of the South Pacific Ocean, so this makes French Polynesia an ideal destination for this type of project”.

He said since the strategic project was made public, he was approached by several large companies who are interested in launching digital-based ventures in French Polynesia.

The layout of those five cables, he said, will multiply by 50 French Polynesia's present bandwidth but also make French Polynesia a highly strategic hub for all of the Pacific.

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