Internet Prices in PNG Being Reviewed
August 13, 2020
NEW internet retail prices in Papua New Guinea are expected to be set once the pricing review of the internet wholesale is completed next month, says the country's Information, Communication Technology Minister Timothy Masiu.
He said there were three separate wholesale internet prices for the international submarine cable coming from Sydney.
He said the PNG DataCo had requested a review of the regulated rates set out in the specific-pricing principles for the international submarine cable declared determination.
The review is being undertaken by the National Information Communication Technology Authority (Nicta).
Masiu said once the review was completed next month, new wholesale internet prices would be set which would then be passed onto service providers determining the new retail internet prices.
“The expected outcome is there will be a reduction in the wholesale price and it must be passed onto the retail customers and the general users of the information communication technology (ICT) services.”
Masiu said the three international cables coming from Sydney: Pipe Pacific cable-1 (PPC-1); Pipe; and APNG2 cable had different prices.
“Under the review, all cables will come under one price.”
The first review saw the landing of the Coral Sea submarine cable from Sydney to stations in the country such as the Kila Barracks in Port Moresby.
The second review will see capacity being brought to the customers or service providers such as Digicel, bmobile, and other ICT service providers.
The third review will see only one price for the whole supply chain.
In 2014, the wholesale internet pricing of K4,449.47 (US$1,300) was reduced to K1,300 (US$380). It is currently at K335 (US$98) megabits per month.