Prysmian Working For Sustainability With Eco CablePrysmian's ECO CABLE is the first green label in the cable industry and vouches for the greenness of our cables.

May 4, 2021

ECO CABLE, green inside

We provide products that are the green life blood that brings energy to homes, infrastructures and cities around the world.

With a business strategy consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we strive to be green inside. We express this through products that when installed in homes, infrastructures and cities around the world, make these just as green inside.

ECO CABLE is the first green label in the cable industry and vouches for the greenness of our cables.

ECO CABLE uses the same measurable and recognized assessment criteria as established certification labels, namely the EU Ecolabel and is a complement to net-zero Scope 3 target, paving the way for a specific extension to the cable industry.

We aim to share the same green language as our customers, bringing to their supply chains products that meet measurable and recognized criteria, in a perfect fit with a circular economy.

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