By Rohan Pearce, Computerworld
Repair work is underway on TPG’s PPC-1 underwater cable system, the telco revealed yesterday.
PPC-1 is a submarine cable that stretches from Sydney and Guam and is operated by the TPG’s subsidiary Pipe.
PPC-1 suffered a major fault on 5 February, taking down the entire cable system.
TPG has been routing traffic via Southern Cross and the Australian Japan Cable system since the outage.
Repair work on PPC-1 was delayed due to TPG needing to source an alternative cable ship, with its contracted repair vessel — the Ile De Re — undertaking work on the Basslink electricity cable that stretches from Tasmania to the mainland.
“The cable ship has recovered the faulty cable and is in the process of completing the repair,” states an update to TPG’s outage notice.
A cut-and-cap process on the Basslink cable is expected to begin within a week and will take around a fortnight. The Ile De Re is then expected to return to Geelong to load spare cable before returning to carry out repair work.