Nokia Press Release

January 17, 2018

Statoil and Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) have signed a contract for the delivery of a permanent reservoir monitoring (PRM) system on the Johan Sverdrup field, one of the five biggest oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf.

With 380 kilometers of seismic cables installed on the seabed and more than 6500 acoustic sensors covering an area of more than 120 square kilometers, Johan Sverdrup will deploy ASN's seismic technology and will be one of the largest fiber optic seismic systems of its kind.

For the first time on any field on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS), the seismic technology will be in place ready to optimize production in time for start-up. The seismic cables will be installed on the seabed of Johan Sverdrup during 2019.

With PRM, seismic sensors are permanently embedded into the seabed which enables more frequent and much improved seismic images of changes in the reservoir. The system on Johan Sverdrup will be based on ASN's optical fiber technology which is designed to allow very high performance and superior reliability.

Johan Sverdrup will be developed in different phases: Phase 1 is expected to start up in late 2019 with production capacity estimated at 440,000 barrels of oil per day and Phase 2 is expected to start up in 2022, with full field production estimated at 660,000 barrels of oil per day. Peak production on Johan Sverdrup will be equivalent to 25% of all Norwegian petroleum production. With a recovery ambition of 70%, Johan Sverdrup will become one of the fields in the world with the highest recovery factor. Statistics from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate shows that average recovery from the NCS is at 46%.

Philippe Piron, president of Alcatel Submarine Networks, said: “This new PRM contract further strengthens the relationship between ASN and Statoil, as well as it demonstrates the relevance of PRM technology to provide 4D seismic data to the most technology advanced oil Companies. Our fiber optic reservoir monitoring system will support Statoil in increasing oil recovery in a cost-efficient way.”


Statoil is an international energy company with operations in more than 30 countries. Building on over 40 years of experience from oil and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf, we are committed to accommodating the world's energy needs in a responsible manner, applying technology and creating innovative business solutions. Statoil is headquartered in Norway with 20,500 employees worldwide, and is listed on the New York and Oslo stock exchanges. More information on


Eskil Eriksen [email protected] T : +47 95882534



Alcatel Submarine Networks, part of Nokia, leads the industry in terms of capacity and installed base with more than 600,000 km of optical submarine systems deployed worldwide. From traditional telecom applications to content provider networks and oil and gas offshore applications, ASN provides all parts of global undersea transmission networks, tailored to individual customer’s needs. An extensive service portfolio completes its comprehensive offering for the submarine business, including project management, installation and commissioning, as well as marine operations and maintenance performed by its fleet of cable ships.


FRANCESCA CAZZANIGA  [email protected]   T : +33 (01) 60 40 11 96

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