Cinia Announces New Partners for Arctic Connect Cable

Cinia, which is developing the Arctic Connect submarine cable project with MegaFon has announced the addition of new, international partners.By Telecompaper
September 29, 2020

Finnish company Cinia, which is executing the development phase for the Arctic Connect submarine cable project with MegaFon.has announced the addition of new, international partners for the scheme, from Japan, Norway and Finland.

Sojitz Corporation, a multi-national trading and investment company, has agreed to fund Cinia Alliance as the leading party of the Japanese partnership comprising Sojitz, Atago Corporation, Crypton Future Media, Hokkaido Electric Power C, Optage and Sakura Internet.

Bredbandsfylket Arctic Link has been established to join the Cinia Alliance and comprises Bredbandsfylket AS, Ishavslink, and Sor-Varanger Utvikling.

The Finnish members of Cinia Alliance are C-Fiber Hanko, Pietarsaaren Seudun Puhelin, Lapit, Napapiirin Energia ja Vesi, and Rovaniemen Kehitys.

Dag-Kjetil Hansen, CEO of Bredbandsfylket AS, said the Arctic Connect cable will have a tremendous positive impact for the Arctic region by contributing to Arctic broadband sector and to the whole Arctic society through new business sectors, research opportunities, resilience and safety.

The 10,000 km Arctic Connect cable system will increase the redundancy of global networks significantly by providing a new route between Europe and Asia. The project is currently at the feasibility study stage. Construction work is scheduled from 2022 through 2023.

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