From The Conference Director – Marketing Metrics

SubOptic 2019 Conference Director Christopher Noyes discusses marketing metrics and how to be an active part of the upcoming conference in this contributing article from SubTel Forum Issue 99.By Christopher Noyes
March 19, 2018

It was great to attend PTC’18 and see members of SubOptic and others in the industry back in January. People were telling how excited they are about attending SubOptic 2019 in New Orleans. Registration opened on March 1st and we saw large numbers of people visiting the and buying tickets. There is a great opportunity to save $100 on the conference registration fee by reserving your hotel at the same time as you register. We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans, in just over a year.

The SubOptic Conference wouldn’t be a world class gathering of the industry without the continued support of the companies that sponsor the event every three years. Sponsoring or exhibiting at a conference can do several things for a company, but sometimes management walk away wondering if all the expense and effort met their expectations.

First, the organization must determine the goals of exhibiting or sponsoring at the event. Every company is unique in measuring their exhibiting and sponsorship ROI. The idea from the beginning is to determine how the company will measure their individual ROI for sponsorship. Here are a few of the ways different companies measure their ROI of an exhibit or sponsorship, examples:

  • Number of Tweets
  • Number of Leads
  • Number of People that stopped by the booth

The other factor when evaluating if your company should support an event is that every event creates experience for the attendee, which creates a memory which should be a meaningful or memorable experience.  When attendees have a good experience with an event they look at who and what organizations supported the event and in return support those organizations with their business. With every opportunity to support there are a few basic for choosing the correct event for your organization and brand, and then the key is to maximize your participation as a supporter.

To continue reading the rest of this article, please read it in Issue 99 of the SubTel Forum magazine here on page 84.

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