Sparkle Enhances its Sicily Hub Open Data Center with DE-CIX Remote Peering Capabilities
Sparkle Press Release
December 3, 2019
Rome – Sparkle, the first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten global operators, has enhanced its Sicily Hub in Palermo with DE-CIX remote peering capabilities.
Sicily Hub is a next generation open data center featuring state-of-the-art data security technologies. Thanks to its proximity to North Africa and the Middle East, to its connectivity to all the international cables landing in Sicily and to the integration with Sparkle’s global Tier-1 IP transit network Seabone, Sicily Hub offers an IP interconnection point with reduced latency, from 35 to 15 ms, and superior performance, from 50% to 80%, compared to any other European peering point.
Thanks to the strategic cooperation with DE-CIX, the world's leading provider of Internet Exchange Platforms (IXPs), Sicily Hub allows local and international ISPs that land their Internet backbones in Sicily to directly interconnect with each other and to peer with content and application providers that have a presence in the facility.
Sicily Hub customers can now also benefit from DE-CIX GlobePEER capabilities to peer remotely with hundreds of networks at other DE-CIX locations – such as Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich, Dusseldorf, New York, Marseille, and Istanbul – using their single interconnection in Palermo. The service is enabled by Sparkle’s Virtual NAP solution – that allows customers to access the main Internet Exchange Points without the need of building any proprietary infrastructure – and complemented by Seabone IP Transit service. DDoS Mitigation & Cleaning solutions, which grant Seabone customers the option to protect their network, and City2City, which offers dedicated and secure capacity to the main urban centers worldwide, complete the portfolio of services available at Sparkle Sicily Hub.
The addition of Palermo among DE-CIX GlobePeer locations marks a further strengthening of Sicily Hub as the main Internet Hub in the Mediterranean area.
About Sparkle
Sparkle is TIM Group’s fully owned Global Operator, first international service provider in Italy and among the top ten worldwide, with a proprietary backbone of around 530,000 km of fiber spanning from Europe to Africa, the Americas and Asia. Leveraging its global IP, Data, Cloud, Data Center, Mobile Data and Voice Platforms, Sparkle offers a full range of ICT solutions to Internet Service Providers, OTTs, Media and Content Players, Application Service Providers, Fixed and Mobile operators as well as Multinational Enterprises. Its sales force is active worldwide and distributed over 33 countries.
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