Cable Faults

March 9

Basslink Tasmanian Subsea Cable to be Repaired by May

The Basslink submarine cable – which carries electricity and telecommunications traffic to Tasmania – is scheduled to be repaired by May. The cable has been damaged since December. Read story…

Repair Work Underway on TPG’s PPC-1 Cable

TPG has announced repair work is underway on PPC-1. The system suffered a major fault on February 5. The repairs are expected to take up to two weeks. Read story…

Future Systems

March 7

SEA-ME-WE-5 Submarine Cable System Lands in Djibouti

SEA-ME-WE 5 has landed in Djibouti. Read story…

March 9

SEA-ME-WE 5 Submarine Cable Backers Announce Landings

The SEA-ME-WE 5 consortium has announced several successful landings for the future submarine cable system. Read story…

Türk Telekom Builds Submarine Cable Station for SEA-ME-WE 5 at Marmaris

Türk Telekom has built a submarine cable landing station in Marmaris for SEA-ME-WE 5. Read story…

Telefonica to Lay New US-Brazil Undersea Cable

Telefonica has announced plans for a new submarine cable between the US and Brazil. The 11,000 kilometer system will connect Rio de Janeiro and Fortaleza in Brazil with San Juan in Puerto Rico and Virginia Beach in the US. The system is expected to be ready for service by early 2018. Read story…

March 10

DOCOMO PACIFIC Selects NEC to Build “ATISA” Submarine Cable

DOCOMO Pacific has signed a contract with NEC to construct the ATISA submarine cable system. This 280 kilometer system will link Guam with the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands. It is expected to be ready for service early 2017. Read story…

March 11

SEA-ME-WE 5 Undersea Cable Successfully Landed at Tuas

SEA-ME-WE 5 has now landed at Tuas, Sinagpore. Read story…

Regional Outlook

March 9

Global Marine Awarded Extension for the Cable Maintenance Contract for North America Zone

Global Marine Systems Limited has been awarded a contract extension for the North America Maintenance Zone. Read story…


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