Alcatel Submarine Networks Signs Contract with Infn to Build Undersea Cable System for Largest Undersea High Energy Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean

ASN and INFN will build submarine cable infrastructure for an underwater laboratory incorporating a high energy neutrino telescope.ASN Press Release
November 29, 2018

Located in Southeastern Sicily, the new submarine system will provide high power and fiber connectivity to the submarine telescope.

 Paris, France – Italy’s Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucelare (INFN) and Alcatel Submarine Networks (ASN) have signed a new contract for the roll out of a submarine cable infrastructure for INFN’s submarine network, hosting an underwater multidisciplinary laboratory incorporating an high energy neutrino telescope, the largest one in the Mediterranean.

This undersea infrastructure is being financed by the Regione Siciliana PO-FESR 2014 – 2020, under the framework of the IDMAR project, which aims at implementing a multi-disciplinary lab for scientific in the marine environment.

Located off Southeastern Sicily, the submarine cable system will transmit in real time data to shore collected by detectors deployed on the sea bed. These data will be used by researchers, universities and science laboratories helping provide a better understanding of the physical processes in the oceans.

ASN will provide a substantial portion of the new subsea infrastructure with an electro-optical cable and several undersea DC/DC power converters of the latest generation to provide communications and power to several detection systems. The technology provided by ASN is based on the DCFO solution initially developed for Oil & Gas applications and the system will rely on sensors serving as lenses for data collection.

Giacomo Cuttone, INFN – LNS Director, said: “This project will further offer to INFN and to the Italian research community advanced applications to implement new research models, under the framework of the Sicilian Region PO-Fser Funds, IDMAR Project. ASN’s state-of-the art technology will help us in taking a significant step to enhance astroparticle physics and other sciences such as seismology and the predictability of geophysical events, in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV).”

Philippe Piron, president of Alcatel Submarine Networks said: “We are proud to further cooperate with INFN in such an ambitious project, which reconfirms submarine systems’ ability and versatility for the new applications offered in the field of undersea scientific observation. This new contract also confirms our expertise in addressing new market segments.”

ASN and INFN had previously cooperated in the deployment of the first branches of the submarine system network deployed off East Sicily, used to install submarine observatories capable to monitor acoustic, geophysics signals, bio-luminescence and cosmic rays.


The INFN is the Italian public research Institute dedicated to the study of the fundamental physics. The INFN conducts theoretical and experimental research in the fields of sub-nuclear, nuclear and astroparticle physics. Research in these areas requires the use of cutting-edge technology and instruments, developed by the INFN at its own laboratories and in collaboration with industries. These activities bring often to useful applications with a significant impact on the everyday life. All of the INFN’s research activities are undertaken within a framework of international collaboration and competition at the same time, in close cooperation with Italian universities.


Antonella Varaschin           Email: [email protected] T : +39 06 68400360


Alcatel Submarine Networks, part of Nokia, leads the industry in terms of transmission capacity and installed base with more than 600,000 km of optical submarine systems deployed worldwide, enough to circumnavigate the globe 15 times. From traditional telecom applications to infrastructure for content and “Over The Top” service providers, as well as solutions for offshore oil and gas applications, ASN provides all elements of turnkey global undersea transmission systems, tailored to individual customer’s needs. An extensive service portfolio completes its comprehensive offering for the submarine business, including project management, installation and commissioning, along with marine and maintenance operations performed by ASN’s fully owned fleet of cable ships.


Francesca Cazzaniga Email: [email protected] T : +33 (01) 60 40 11 96

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