News From Around The World Of Submarine Telecoms For The Week Of April 2-6

News from around the submarine telecoms industry.

Cable Faults & Maintenance

ACE Submarine Cable Cut Impacts Ten Countries
David Belson of Oracle provides an overview and analyzes the impact of the March 30 ACE submarine cable outage.

Current Systems

Eletronet Selects Seabras-1 For Internet In Brazil
Eletronet, Brazil’s national service provider, today announced that it has selected Seaborn Networks and its international submarine fiber-optic cable system, Seabras-1, to provide Tier 1 Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) in Brazil.

Future Systems

ADB, World Bank To Support Submarine Cable For Micronesia
The ADB Board of Directors has approved a total of $36.6 million in grants to help fund the delivery of low-cost, high quality internet service in Kosrae in the Federated States of Micronesia; Tarawa and Kiritimati Island in Kiribati; and Nauru, which will benefit around 75,000 people.

NEC Begins Construction Of JGA Submarine Cable
A consortium including RTI Connectivity, AARNet and Google, together with Alcatel Submarine Networks and NEC Corporation announced that the construction of the JGA (Japan-Guam-Australia) Cable System has officially commenced.

Crosslake Fibre Selects Cable And Shore End Suppliers
Crosslake Fibre has selected Hexatronic Cables & Interconnect Systems to supply the fibre optic cable and Maritech International to construct the HDD shore ends for its 58km submarine cable project being developed across Lake Ontario.

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