5 Questions With Trygve Hagevik: Talking Technology Trends With Tampnet’s CCO

Trygve Hagevik talks about Tampnet's participation in the submarine cable industry and where they intend to take the company moving forward.September 21, 2020

  1. What is Tampnet’s mission?

Tampnet’s vision is to become a global leader in providing high capacity, low latency and reliable connectivity to offshore installations, mobile rigs, vessels and windfarms.

Tampnet’s mission is to add value to our customers through connecting offshore assets to robust and reliable terrestrial networks with high capacity and low latency. Our services shall enable our customers to improve on health, safety, efficiency, welfare and sustainability in their offshore operations.

We have an increased focus on traditional carrier telecom services as well, and we have a very attractive fibre network that can provide new alternative routes that don’t follow the normal digital highways for our customers. This provides independence and redundancy for customer traffic, something which is becoming more and more important in the industry.

  1. How does Tampnet participate in the submarine cable market?

Tampnet operates the world’s largest offshore high capacity communication network in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico serving customers within Oil & Gas, Wind Energy, Maritime and Carrier sectors with first-class telecommunications.

Tampnet Carrier is Tampnet’s European and transatlantic fiber infrastructure network, passing through eight selected countries. Tampnet International Carrier is all about connectivity, capacity, speed, and milliseconds – data transfer with minimum delay – without compromising quality and reliability. Our unique network routes connect 30 vital data centers in 12 European and American cities and central hubs.

Tampnet engineers and builds new cables and expansions to our own submarine cable systems and we participate in consortia and partner with others for dark fibre and capacity leases to expand our network reach.

Is Tampnet currently involved with any new submarine cable projects?

Yes, we are just about to launch a new North Sea connection crossing from Egersund in Norway to Aberdeen in the UK.

  1. What makes Tampnet unique in the submarine system market?

Tampnet also installs and operates offshore 4G and 5G mobile networks enabling coverage, roaming and the digital transformation and internet of things (IoT) for the offshore industry, such as cable ships and other vessels working offshore, offshore windfarms, oil and gas platforms and basically anyone living or working in these remote offshore areas.

To continue reading the rest of this article, please read it in Issue 114 of the SubTel Forum Magazine on page 16 or on our archive site here.

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