Cable Faults

June 11th

Maintenance Of Vietnam’s Internet To Finish Ahead Of Schedule

The repairs to AAG will finish ahead of schedule. The location of the fault was detected quickly, allowing repairs to start sooner than anticipated.  Read Story…

Future Systems

June 11th

EU Ploughs €25m Into EU-LatAm Cable

The European Commission has announced it will invest €25 million in a new cable between Brazil and Europe. A consortium led by Brazil's Telebras, and Spain's Islalink expect to have the cable operational by the end of 2017.  Read Story…

Cable Owners

June 11th

Investors Pay €73m For Stake In Irish Cable Firm

A Luxembourg company, Murosa Development, has paid $82m (€73m) for a major stake in Irish firm Hibernia NGS. Murosa now owns 51% of Hibernia NGS with US firm Columbia Ventures Corporation (CVC) owning the remainder.  Read Story…

Future Systems

June 12th

BSNL Joins Up With Bangladeshi Firm To Improve Net In Northeast

BSNL has inked an agreement with (BSCCL) to improve internet connectivity in India’s northeast region. BSNL will provide international bandwidth from Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh to Agartala, with BSCCL providing the international link from Cox’s Bazar Cable Landing Station.  Read Story…

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