By Pasifik
July 4, 2017
THE Solomon Islands has struck a memorandum of understanding with Huawei International which will see it begin deployment of the Solomon Submarine Cable system.
The Solomons government located near Papua New Guinea and Australia, appointed Huawei as the main turnkey supplier for the cable, which will link Sydney to Honiara with a capacity of up to 2.5Tbps.
The 4000km cable system is set to go into operation in 2019, and will also include a domestic network linking Noro in the Western Province and Auki in the Malaita Province with Honiara, the capital.
Work for the cable, which was announced in January and is expected to cost $530 million Solomon dollars ($US68 million), has been delayed, with announcements from the country claiming it was due to start in February.
Solomon Submarine Cable will operate as a wholesale supplier of Internet and data capacity to Australia for all licensed operators in Solomon Islands.
According to SBM Online, SISCC CEO Keir Preed said the company has already struck a landing agreement with Telstra, and is now in the process of seeking a permit allowing it to pass through Australian waters.