By WFN Strategies

WFN Strategies announces that they have recently assisted Stratos Global Corporation with WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) technology research supporting its recent selection as the winning bidder for two of the three geographic zones for 2.5 GHz broadband radio service (BRS) in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The Federal Communications Commission's Auction 86 concluded October 30. The two zones awarded to Stratos cover approximately 90 percent of the structures and platforms in the three auctioned areas.

The 2.5 GHz BRS spectrum is the U.S. standard for WiMAX. Both point-to-point and point-to-multipoint services can be provided in the 2.5 GHz spectrum. Those services are ideally suited for fixed rigs or platforms, work boats and other vessels, and a wide range of mobile communications applications. Speeds and bandwidth in the 2.5 GHz spectrum are comparable to land-based DSL and cable-modem service.

“The 2.5 GHz band and WiMAX technology have great potential for innovative services in the Gulf of Mexico and great business opportunities for Stratos,” said Guy Arnos, WFN Strategies' Director of Projects. “We are very pleased that Stratos was successful in the FCC auctions and happy that they chose WFN Strategies to support them in the process.”

Stratos ( is the world's trusted leader for vital communications. Stratos offers the most powerful and extensive portfolio of remote communications solutions including mobile and fixed satellite and microwave services. More than 20,000 customers use Stratos products and industry-leading value-added services to optimize communications performance. Stratos serves U.S. and international government, military, first responder, NGO, oil and gas, industrial, maritime, aeronautical, enterprise, and media users on seven continents and across the world's oceans.

WFN Strategies ( provides telecoms engineering solutions for remote and unique communication requirements. With ongoing projects in Antarctica, Asia Pacific, Colorado, North Sea and West Africa, WFN Strategies accomplishes telecoms engineering involving submarine and terrestrial optical cable, microwave, mobile, broadband wireless/WiMAX/WiFi, satellite and other RF technologies for commercial, oil & gas and governmental clients. WFN Strategies provides system strategy, acquisition and implementation support for all aspects of telecoms services, including developing the standards for system design, the tender process, contract forming, construction, physical deployment and maintenance.

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