Elettra To Connect Italian Islands with Submarine Cable

From ADNKronos.com
Elettra Tlc Spa has been selected by Infratel Italia for the supply and installation of submarine cable to connect 21 Italian islands.June 7, 2022

Elettra Tlc Spa has been selected by Infratel Italia for the supply and installation of submarine optical cable connections that will provide very high speed connectivity to 21 Italian islands.

Elettra Tlc Spa has been selected by Infratel Italia for the supply and installation of submarine optical cable connections that will provide very high speed connectivity to 21 Italian islands. Among the islands to be connected we find: Pantelleria, Lampedusa, Ponza, the Tremiti, Favignana and Lipari. This project called ‘Minor Islands Plan', the plan of the Ministry of Economic Development for the implementation of infrastructural interventions related to the development of ultra-broadband in the smaller islands of the country, an important part of the overall ‘Italy 2026 Strategy'. It includes 21 connections for a total of 860 kilometers of submarine cables and represents an investment of 45.6 million euros.

In the course of 2022 the research ship Urbano Monti will carry out the marine survey to accurately determine the route of each link. The marine installation is scheduled for 2023 and will be carried out by the cable-laying vessel C / S Teliri owned by Elettra Tlc. The spare parts of the plant, to be used for maintenance of the connections, will be located at the Submarine Cable Depot of Catania managed by Elettra Tlc, base port of the cable-laying vessel C / S Antonio Meucci, owned by Elettra Tlc itself, and dedicated maintenance.

“We are very honored to have been chosen by Infratel Italia for this special project, which will help strengthen the economy of 21 Italian islands and improve the daily life of their inhabitants. Elettra Tlc is an Italian company, one of the few companies in the world in able to install and repair submarine cables on land, and all of the company's employees feel proud and happy to be able to use their expertise in this circumstance for their nation, in locations that will truly benefit, “said Didier Dillard, president and CEO of Elettra Tlc Spa. Elettra Tlc SpA is a company dedicated to activities related to marine surveys, installation and repair of submarine cables for telecommunications all over the world, through the management of a fleet consisting of two cable-laying vessels and a research vessel. Elettra Tlc is wholly owned by the Orange Group.


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