April 21, 2016 – SubTel Forum Announcement
We are pleased to announce that next month, José Chesnoy will be joining SubTel Forum as the new feature writer of the historically based “Back Reflection” feature.
In the coming months, Mr. Chesnoy will give historical perspective to today’s accomplishments and challenges.
About the Author:
Mr. Chesnoy graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1977. After receiving a PhD in 1981 in femto-second laser physics, he entered the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). In 1989, José joined Alcatel’s research organization and worked in this area of the advent of amplified submarine cables.
Later in 1999 José became head of System Development in the Submarine Business Division, then extended into the Terrestrial Network Division. He then moved successively to development of terminal WDM equipment, submarine product management and technical offers, and became CTO of Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks until the end of 2014.
During the course of his technical career, José has been granted more than 50 patents in the field of fiber optics and was nominated a Bell Labs Fellow in 2010. He organized many international workshops, including the chair of the program committee for SubOptic 2004, and was editor of the first edition of the book “Undersea Fiber Communication Systems” in 2002 and with a second edition in 2015. José Chesnoy is retired from Alcatel, but remains an active expert inside the ecosystem of the submarine cable community. He has been nominated Legal Expert at the Paris court in 2015.